加藤さんは、昨年までモトクロ ス界で その名を知られている「SEKI RACING TEAM Moto Roman」でメカニックを担当。 全日本モトクロス選手権4回、スーパーモタード4回の計8回の年間チャンピオンのメカニックも経験しました。(8年も年間チャンピオンに!というのは凄いことなんです、、!!!)
その加藤さんと山中さんが2016年と2017年にマン島で使用するマシンの製作を進めています。 マン島レースってロードレースでしょ?という声が聞こえてきそうですが、ご安心ください。。
昨年暮れのこと「SEKI RACING TEAM モトロマン」監督であり社長の佐藤さんが交通事故に遭い、大変悲しいことですが逝去されました。 そして30年続いたモトロマンも残すところあと数日となりました。
モトクロス界にどっぷり浸って来た加藤さんが山中選手の「マン島チャレンジ」にすぐに共感したのは、その宣言文を前に黙々と仕事を続けてきたからかも知れないと思ったとき、胸に来るものがありました。 本田宗一郎氏の宣言文と「モトロマン」に育てられた加藤さんは4月から独立し、新店舗でバイクショップを営業しながら、チャンピオンメカニックならではの厳しい姿勢と繊細かつ確かな腕で、マン島マシン製作も引き続き行います。
Today we'd like to introduce one of our members "Mr Katoh" who is currently a manager of MotoRoman.
MotoRoman is a motorbike shop,especially for motocross,which has a famous racing team known very well in Japanese motocross as "SEKI RACING MOTOROMAN"
He was a racing mechanic in this racing team,additionally many riders trusted him because the rider he supported got 4 times straight championships in All-Japan-motocross and another rider he supported got 4 times championships in All-Japan-Super Moto. Doesn't it sound great?? Yes,it sure does.
Needless to say he has a lot of experience in his field"Motorbike" Because of that,Mr Katoh has been helping Mr Yamanaka a lot with the challenge of Manx GP since 2015 and now he's building the bike for Manx GP this year 2016 and the TT 2017.
Unfortunately,"MotoRoman" is closing its history of 30 years at the end of this month as the CEO of this shop"Mr Satoh" passed away sadly because of car accident last December.
In the beginning of March when our members had a meeting in MotoRoman,we found the copy of the letter for participating in The TT written by Mr Soichiro Honda more than 60 years ago. It has been posted on his tool books since he started working there for 15 years and then he started reading it to us as if we needed to realise how big this challenge could be.
The reason why he immediately decided to support the challenge is because maybe he works in front of that letter every day and he's passionate about the TT. That made us very impressed.
He now has his own motorbike shop which will be open at the early of May and it takes just 5 minutes from MotoRoman. We will keep you posted about his shop in this blog as we will visit soon.
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